Counteroffers – how do we deal with them?

Are you wondering how to deal with a counteroffer? 🤔 A salary increase, growth opportunities, a promotion, more flexibility, change in days/hours worked, increased responsibilities or duties, especially in an area of interest to you, a new job title. All of these counteroffers combined are examples of what a counteroffer can look like. A counteroffer can…

Are you wondering how to deal with a counteroffer? 🤔

A salary increase, growth opportunities, a promotion, more flexibility, change in days/hours worked, increased responsibilities or duties, especially in an area of interest to you, a new job title.

All of these counteroffers combined are examples of what a counteroffer can look like.

A counteroffer can be extremely tempting and attractive, but that is the intention. Your employer may discuss your performance and what they can offer you to convince you to stay with them. It will be very flattering to hear all these compliments, but that is the intention. It would be understandable for you to want to accept at the moment.

It’s essential to keep in mind why counter-offers are actually made. Often a counteroffer can be referred to as a ‘band-aid solution’ temporarily covering the underlying issue of why you want to leave. Anecdotally, those who accept a counteroffer, are in all likelihood to resign in the following months.

This is why it is important to really sit back and think about why you want to leave your current employer.